
Umpires are the cornerstone of hockey, without them there would be chaos on the field! As we understand that all umpires are an incredibly valuable part of our hockey club and the wider community, we strive to develop and support all umpires to ensure they excel.

Umpiring Development

The decision of the umpire has the ability to change the course of the game and although umpiring can be challenging (having to make tough calls in the moment despite the pressure of players and fans) it can also be rewarding as you have the opportunity to control game play and educate players. Being a good umpire is about being consistent and positioning yourself in the right spot to see the play. 

At South West United, we understand it takes time to develop umpires and so we partner our new umpires with skilled and experienced mentors to give guidance, support and feedback throughout their umpiring journey.

Starting Your Umpiring Journey

You can start your umpiring by checking our the Hockey Ed Website. This website has some great information to start, plus has the exam for you to earn your Community Badge.

Women's Umpiring

It is extremely important that umpires maintain good communications with the umpiring coordinator. If you are going to be late for a game, or are unsure of the exact details of your umpiring session it is critical that you let your relevant co-ordinator know by speaking directly to them. If you are unable to speak to them, please ring the field you will umpire at and notify BWHA.

Please see the Our Committee Page for the details surrounding the Women's Umpiring Co-ordinators.
U14 (2025) Off-Season Development Clinic (BWHA - State Hockey Centre) (4 weekly sessions)
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South West United is a Get Going Club
Platinum Sponsors
Ray White Real Estate SherwoodPhone 3379 3535
Gold Sponsors
Councillor Nicole Johnston
Silver Sponsors
Indooroopilly Shopping Centre
Bronze Sponsors
BunningsPhone 07 3327 7500
Officeworks OxleyPhone (07) 3716 2600